Entrepreneurial Orientation and Effects on Small and Micro Enterprise Business Performance: The Case of East Guji Zone Gelana Woreda Small and Micro Enterprises
Business performance, Entrepreneurial orientation, innovation practices, proactive decision, risk-takingAbstract
The objective of this research was to investigate the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on the business performance of small and micro enterprises in low-income countries, specifically focusing on the case of Ethiopia. In order to achieve this objective, a combination of qualitative and cross-sectional survey methods was utilized. Both descriptive and explanatory designs were implemented in the study. A total of 107 participants were selected as the sample for this research, and 100 questionnaires were successfully collected. The sampling techniques employed included both probability and non-probability methods, with a combination of stratified random and purposive sampling. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, including measures such as mean, standard deviation, correlation, ANOVA, and linear regression. The results of the study indicated that the selected area demonstrated a moderate level of implementation of the variables under investigation. Furthermore, the findings revealed statistically significant correlations and effects between the explanatory and predicted variables of the study. Based on these findings, recommendations were made for administrators to consider the various dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation when designing strategies for small and micro enterprises.
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