Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Green Market Product in Ethiopia Coffee Cooperatives
CSR, green market, responsibility, ethical, economic, discretionary, legalAbstract
This study examines the relationship between corporate responsibility dimensions (ethical responsibility, economic responsibility, discretionary responsibility, and legal responsibility) and the adoption of green market products. The data were analyzed using a regression model, and the results revealed significant positive correlations between each responsibility dimension and the green market product variable. The regression analysis further demonstrated that the combined influence of these responsibility dimensions accounted for a substantial proportion (92.8%) of the variance in the adoption of green market products. The findings highlight the importance of corporate responsibility in promoting environmentally friendly products and suggest that higher levels of ethical, economic, discretionary, and legal responsibilities are associated with a greater emphasis on green market products. These insights contribute to the understanding of the factors influencing sustainable consumption and provide implications for businesses aiming to align their practices with environmental concerns. Future research could explore additional variables and investigate the mechanisms through which corporate responsibility translates into consumer behavior and market outcomes.
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