Academic Achievement, Mathematics in the Modern World, Catholic University, College Students, Changing Normal, DemographicsAbstract
This descriptive and correlational study identified the academic achievement level in Mathematics in the Modern World of the first-year college students at the selected Catholic university in Negros Occidental during the changing normal. Respondents were grouped according to the college they are affiliated with and the strand they took during their senior high school. The researchers also compared the performance assessment of the students in the three sub-topics of the subject. Further, they determined the difference in the academic achievement level when respondents were taken according to their demographics. Findings suggested that the level of academic achievement in the course as a whole is only average, with the highest achievement in the most concrete subtopic, which is Patterns in our Word. Moreover, a significant difference in academic achievement was found according to the demographics and subtopics. Results served as the baseline data in the modification of instructional materials and in designing a training/seminar for the teachers of the subject to better address the learning gaps.
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