A Study on Women Entrepreneurship in Tamil Nadu: Problem and Opportunity


  • Dr. J. Suresh Kumar
  • Dr. D. Shobana




Empowerment, Women Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development, Challenges and Opportunities


Women entrepreneurship in Tamil Nadu is a subject of growing interest due to its potential to drive economic growth, promote gender equality, and foster social development. This study explores the challenges and opportunities faced by women entrepreneurs in the region, aiming to provide insights for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and civil society organizations. Through a comprehensive analysis of the entrepreneurial landscape, including factors such as access to finance, cultural norms, support infrastructure, work-life balance, and gender biases, the study identifies significant barriers hindering the progress of women entrepreneurs. Despite these challenges, the study also highlights promising opportunities available to women’s entrepreneurs across various sectors, including textiles, information technology, healthcare, agribusiness, tourism, handicrafts, education, renewable energy, and social entrepreneurship. By addressing the systemic barriers and leveraging the available opportunities, Tamil Nadu can unlock the full potential of women entrepreneurship, driving inclusive economic growth, social development, and gender empowerment. Empowering women entrepreneurs is not only imperative for individual empowerment but also essential for realizing Tamil Nadu's vision of becoming a global leader in entrepreneurship.


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Author Biographies

Dr. J. Suresh Kumar

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, St. Joseph University, Chümoukedima,
Nagaland, India

Dr. D. Shobana

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, St. Joseph University, Chümoukedima,
Nagaland, India


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How to Cite

Dr. J. Suresh Kumar, & Dr. D. Shobana. (2024). A Study on Women Entrepreneurship in Tamil Nadu: Problem and Opportunity. International Journal of Social Science, Management and Economics Research, 2(3), 22–35. https://doi.org/10.61421/IJSSMER.2024.2302