Effect Of Change Management on Employee Performance in Higher Educational Institutions in Ethiopia


  • Abdulkadir Mohammed
  • Sofi Badi Mohammed




change management, change management dimensions, Employee performance


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of change management on employees’ performance in higher educational institutions of Ethiopia in case of Werabe University. The researcher used descriptive research and exploratory design with quantitative research approach in order to meet the objective of the study. The target population for this study was employees of Werabe University. To select sample respondents, stratified random sampling technique was employed and 288 respondents were selected using stratified random sampling Technique. Methods of collecting data were structured and semi structured questionnaires. 234 questionnaires were used for this study. The data were entered in SPSS version21 and analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Pearson Correlation analysis shows that there was statistically significant positive relationship between the four independent variables at the .000 level (2-tailed) had positive and statistically significant correlation relationship with dependent variables in case institution. The multiple linear regression of the study indicated that all change management dimensions had statistically significant on employees’ performance in werabe University and Employees performance was explained by 89.6% with all the independent variables.


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Author Biographies

Abdulkadir Mohammed

MBA, Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, Werabe University, Ethiopia

Sofi Badi Mohammed

Lecturer, MBA, Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, Bule Hora University, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Abdulkadir Mohammed, & Sofi Badi Mohammed. (2024). Effect Of Change Management on Employee Performance in Higher Educational Institutions in Ethiopia. International Journal of Social Science, Management and Economics Research, 2(3), 49–63. https://doi.org/10.61421/IJSSMER.2024.2304