National, War, International, Agriculture, EthiopiaAbstract
Back grand and objective: Ethiopian Smallholder farming accounts for approximately 95 percent of agricultural production however, its crop agriculture is complex, involving substantial variation in crops grown across the country’s different regions and ecologies. Ethiopia has a long and complex history of civil wars and border conflicts that have significantly impacted the country's political, social, and economic development. Some of the most significant include Ethio-Eritrea War and Tigray War. Ethiopia has also had longstanding border conflicts with Sudan, which have impacted the agricultural sector and cross-border trade. Also, experienced significant internal conflicts and civil wars between different ethnic groups, which have had a major impact on the country's agricultural sector.The extent and nature of these impacts is crucial for guiding policymakers and stakeholders in developing effective strategies to mitigate the adverse effects and promote sustainable agricultural growth. Therefore, the objectives of this literature review are to: systematically examine the impacts of civil war, border conflicts, and international wars on Ethiopia's agricultural sector.
Materials and Methods: It covers research results published in international publications and others which have DOI and link. Conclusion: A review used as a resource for policymakers and development programs to help the country's economic growth by identifying the primary elements that influence unemployment. It will also serve as a source of data for similar future investigations and identify the key pathways through which different types of wars have affected agricultural production, productivity, marketing, and related outcomes; and provide evidence-based recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders on strategies to build resilience and mitigate the adverse impacts of various types of war on Ethiopia's agricultural sector, including its production, marketing, and trade capabilities.
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