Business wisdom, Staffs Normative commitment, Educational WorkforceAbstract
The aim of this study is to assess the consequence of business wisdom on staffs The objective of this study is to examine the impact of business wisdom on staff normative commitment. The researchers employed an explanatory research design with a quantitative approach. A probability sampling method was used to select participants, resulting in a sample of 245 respondents from various strata through Stratified Random Sampling Technique. Data were collected using a structured, self-administered questionnaire, with 230 questionnaires ultimately analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The Pearson correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant positive relationship between all four dimensions of business wisdom—namely involvement, consistency, adaptability, and mission—and staff normative commitment. Notably, adaptability demonstrated the strongest positive and statistically significant correlation with normative commitment, while the mission dimension showed a positive but statistically insignificant effect. Based on these findings, the researchers recommend that organizations maintain business wisdom to enhance normative commitment. This can be achieved by recognizing and responding to both external environments and internal stakeholders, as well as involving staff in the decision-making process. Additionally, encouraging innovation through rewards can foster creativity among staff members.
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