
  • Fikeralem Toma
  • Shashi Kant




Internal marketing, Training and development, motivation, Empowerment, Internal communication, employee Job satisfaction


The primary purpose of this study was to examine the effect of internal marketing on employee job satisfaction in Dashen Bank: Hawassa city, Ethiopa by using training and development, motivation, empowerment and internal communication as independent variables.  The study used quantitative research approach to collect data from respondents.  A structured questionnaire on five Likert scale basis was used to collect data. The study considers 160 target populations and draws 114 employees as respondents by using Yamane (1967) formula, and 110 respondents. The analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics by using SPSS software version 20. The results indicate that the linear combination of the independent variables strongly predict dependent variable with R = .927 and all selected elements of internal marketing (training and development, motivation, empowerment and internal communication) have significantly and positively affect job satisfaction with R2 = .859; P<.05, Thus independent variables jointly explained 85.9% of variance in job satisfaction. Therefore, DB is recommended to fully implement internal marketing program to increase employees’ job satisfaction.


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Author Biographies

Fikeralem Toma

Department of Marketing Management, Bule Hora University, Ethiopia

Shashi Kant

Department of Marketing Management, Bule Hora University, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Fikeralem Toma, & Shashi Kant. (2024). EFFECTS OF INTERNAL MARKETING ON EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION IN ETHIOPIA. International Journal of Social Science, Management and Economics Research, 2(5), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.61421/IJSSMER.2024.2501