Modern War Technologies and Global Peace and Security


  • Rufus Aisedion
  • Osimen, Goddy Uwa



War, Modern,, Weapons, Military, Technology


An attempt was made in this paper to reflect on the transformation of war from 18th-century military engagements on the battlefield to the use of modern technology where wars are fought in decentralized ways from land, air, and sea with devastating impact on peace. The study becomes necessary to unveil how the relics of war with its multiplier effects impact world peace. War is a violent conflict declared by two or more states over resources, occupation of territory, among others, with debilitating consequences on both human and material resources. In the study, three theoretical orientations were used for analysis. These include devil’s theory, realists, and the military-industrial complex. Historical analysis was employed as the incidents of wars were past events. The paper uses a qualitative method of data gathering. The findings of the paper revealed that peace is elusive where war is fought. Since people are vulnerable to hunger, diseases, decay infrastructure, among others, it was recommended that disarmament is the option among others if the world would enjoy peace.


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Author Biographies

Rufus Aisedion

Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma Edo State, Nigeria

Osimen, Goddy Uwa

Department of Political Science &International Relations, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Rufus Aisedion, & Osimen, Goddy Uwa. (2023). Modern War Technologies and Global Peace and Security. International Journal of Social Science, Management and Economics Research, 1(1), 51–62.