
  • Faridzul Adzli bin Mad Adim
  • Mohd Fauzi bin Ali
  • Muhammad Asyraf bin Mohd Yusoff



Green Transportation, Campus to-city integrated, public transport, conceptual framework


The importance of campus-to-city integrated public transport lies in its ability to reduce reliance on private vehicles, decrease traffic congestion, and lower greenhouse gas emissions, thereby significantly contributing to climate action. However, comprehensive strategies for enhancing campus-to-city integrated public transport are still limited. This study aims to identify key areas of intervention and indicators for effective analysis of campus-to-city integrated public transport through an integrative literature review. The goal is to provide a conceptual framework that scholars and practitioners can apply in empirical studies across various institutions. The results from this conceptual analysis are also suitable for educational purposes and future research at Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah Sabak Bernam. This framework supports Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and 13 (Climate Action), promoting sustainable urban mobility solutions and contributing to broader goals of sustainable development.


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Author Biographies

Faridzul Adzli bin Mad Adim

Faculty of Management and Economics, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia,
Sultan Idris Shah Polytechnic, Malaysia

Mohd Fauzi bin Ali

Sultan Idris Shah Polytechnic, Malaysia

Muhammad Asyraf bin Mohd Yusoff

Sultan Idris Shah Polytechnic, Malaysia



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How to Cite

Faridzul Adzli bin Mad Adim, Mohd Fauzi bin Ali, & Muhammad Asyraf bin Mohd Yusoff. (2025). GREEN TRANSPORTATION: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK IN CAMPUS-TO-CITY INTEGRATED PUBLIC TRANSPORT. International Journal of Social Science, Management and Economics Research, 3(1), 29–36.