Work Environment, Training, Motivation, Performance, ProductivityAbstract
This study aims to determine and analyze how the influence of Work Environment (X1), Training (X2) and Motivation (X3) on Employee Performance (Y) with Work Productivity (Y) as a Moderating variable in the company PT Baja Perkasa. The sample is the entire population of the production department, totalling 310 people. The analysis used in this study includes checking validity and reliability (confirmatory fact analysis), testing measurement models between variables (path analysis), and structural model analysis. The effect of training on employee performance with a coefficient value of 0.288 p value 0.000 < 0.05. Furthermore, the results of the study also showed that motivation did not have a significant effect on employee performance with a coefficient value of -0.018 p value 0.399 < 0.05. Furthermore, the results showed a positive influence on employee performance with a coefficient value of 0.155 p value 0.011 >0.05. Furthermore, the training results also showed that the variable of work productivity did not moderate the influence of motivation on employee performance with a coefficient value of -0.131 p value 0.054 < 0.05. Then the results of work productivity research that moderated the effect of motivation on employee performance were not proven to be moderate with a coefficient value of 0.138 p value 0.093 > 0.05. Furthermore, the results of work productivity research that moderate the influence of the Work Environment on employee performance are not proven to be moderate with a coefficient value of -0.027 p value 0.388 >0.05. The results showed that training and motivation had a positive effect on employee performance, but training, motivation and work environment when moderated by work productivity had no effect. This shows that companies should pay more attention to forms of training, motivation and work environments that can support work productivity and improve employee performance.
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