Assessments of CFA Measurement Model of Digital Marketing Success with Business Performance: The Mediating role of Customer Loyalty: The Case of Commercial Banks of Ethiopia (CBE), Ethiopia


  • Gada Gizachew Wakjira



Digital device, Digital platform, digital data, Digital Media and Digital Technology, digital marketing success, customer loyalty and CBE


Customer loyalty of CBE is often seen as one of the decisive factors in determining the fate of organizations, in the age of digitalization, the organizations should think of advanced strategies to increase their competitiveness, and market share by employing loyalty of the potential of digital content, and enhancing their digital Marketing Success, and the aim of this study that provides, a conceptual of CFA Measurement Model of Digital Marketing Success with Business Performance the Mediating role of Customer Loyalty  in Case of  Commercial Banks of Ethiopia (CBE), that introduce to analyses a Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) of digital Marketing success on Business Performance, and it discuss the concepts of Confirmatory measurement  factor data analysis, to construct Composite Reliability, Convergent Validity and to Confirm (SEM) Structural Equation Modeling practice Maintain Regression Weights be a Direct influence, indirect influence, Correlation, and Variance extracted and the indexed of mediating result to be providing based on our perspective on certain analysis, and the overall the mediating variable data analysis to be interpreting the Regression group Weights analyses in a model that includes, a Green Marketing Strategies like Digital device, Digital platform, digital data, Digital Media and Digital Technology that affect Business Performance a Mediating Effect of Customer Loyalty, and data to analyses construct SEM, and to  investigate with SPSS model V.25 that uses data from the digital Marketing success to analyse it’s effect with business Performance, to use 280 sample respondents in CBE, Ethiopia.


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Author Biography

Gada Gizachew Wakjira

PhD Candidate in Bule Hora University, Marketing Management Department, Bule Hora University, Ethiopia


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How to Cite

Gada Gizachew Wakjira. (2023). Assessments of CFA Measurement Model of Digital Marketing Success with Business Performance: The Mediating role of Customer Loyalty: The Case of Commercial Banks of Ethiopia (CBE), Ethiopia. International Journal of Social Science, Management and Economics Research, 1(2), 38–47.