The International Journal of Social Science, Management and Economics Research (ISSMER) relies on the expertise of qualified and dedicated reviewers to maintain the quality and integrity of the research published in our journal. We value the contributions of our reviewers and have established the following guidelines to ensure that our reviewers are equipped to provide constructive and fair feedback to authors:

  1. Timeliness: We expect our reviewers to complete their reviews in a timely manner. Reviewers should aim to provide their feedback within the deadline specified by the editor.
  2. Objectivity and constructive criticism: Reviewers should approach the review process with objectivity and provide constructive criticism to help authors improve their research. Personal biases and prejudices should not influence the review process.
  3. Confidentiality: Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the review process and must not share the manuscript or their feedback with anyone else without prior permission from the editor.
  4. Conflict of interest: Reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence their review of the manuscript. Reviewers who have a conflict of interest should decline the review request.
  5. Feedback quality: Reviewers must provide high-quality feedback that is specific, detailed, and helpful to the authors. Reviewers should provide feedback on the manuscript’s strengths and weaknesses and offer suggestions for improvement.
  6. Ethical considerations: Reviewers should ensure that the manuscript meets ethical guidelines, such as proper citation of sources and compliance with ethical guidelines for research involving human or animal subjects.

We appreciate the time and effort our reviewers dedicate to the peer-review process, and we are committed to providing them with the necessary support and resources to carry out their role effectively. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for ISSMER, please visit our “Call for Reviewers” page or contact us at for more information.