Extracurricular Activities: Prospects and Challenges among Female Students in Secondary Schools in Chanika Ward, Tanzania

John Clement
Educational officer, Temeke Municipality, Tanzania
Prospery M. Mwila
Department of Educational Foundation: St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Tanzania

DOI – https://doi.org/10.61421/IJSSMER.2023.1102


The provision of quality education demands that students receive holistic development so that they have intellectual, physical, spiritual, emotional and social growth. In a bid to provide physical growth, schools have extracurricular activities for students. This study investigated the status of extracurricular activities and their role in the learning process of female students in Chanika Ward in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania. It was guided by two objectives: to identify the types of extracurricular activities carried out in public secondary schools that enhance the teaching and learning process among female students and to describe the challenges hindering the participation of female students in extracurricular activities. The study employed a mixed research approach and a descriptive research design. The study used a sample size of 233 participants from four public secondary schools and included students, teachers, heads of schools, and ward education officers. Data were collected through questionnaires, interview guides, and observation guides. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse quantitative data, while qualitative data were analysed thematically. The results showed that there are four categories of extracurricular activities that female students participated in: sports and games; academics; activities related to production; and social clubs. These activities are said to have a greater impact on student attendance and help foster relationships between classmates and peers and rein in delinquent behaviour. The study also found insufficient facilities and infrastructure to support the participation of female students. Therefore, educational stakeholders should guarantee that the infrastructure and facilities for extracurricular activities are sufficient and appropriate for each student’s gender. This would make it possible for students of both genders to profit from participation in extracurricular activities.

Keywords: Extracurricular, challenges, participation, activities, female students, public secondary schools, Tanzania


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