1. | Democracy as an Impediment to Progress in Developing Countries: Social Constructs versus Realities in Kenya
Frank Ojwang, Kenya
Page: 1-18 |  |
2. | Factors Affecting Growth of Micro and Small Enterprises: A Case of Adola Woyu Town, Guji Zone Oromia Ethiopia
Huna Chuluke Gelchu & Dawit Udessa Gede, Ethiopia
Page: 19-41
|  |
3. | Protecting the Best Interests of Children: A Critical Analysis of Child Custody and Divorce Proceedings in Nigeria under the Child Rights Act 2003
Wilson Diriwari & Damfebo K Derri, United Kingdom
Page: 42-52 |  |
4. | Systematic Literature Review of Human Capital in Context of Economic Growth
Wako Jio & Chalchissa Amentie Kero, Ethiopia
Page: 53-64 |  |
5. | The Significance of Market Orientation Strategies that Affect the Sustainability of Business Profitability: The Mediating Role of Employee Commitment Practice: A Case of Commercial Banks of Ethiopia Bule Hora Town
Gada Gizachew Wakjira, Ethiopia
https://doi.org/10.61421/IJSSMER.2023.1405 |  |